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Don't Miss the Fall Edition of the Mere Orthodoxy Journal

Transcendentalists Against Slavery

February 9th, 2022 | 8 min read

By David Moore

Peter Wirzbicki is Assistant Professor of History at Princeton University. The following interview revolves around his book, Fighting for the Higher Law: Black and White Transcendentalists Against Slavery. Fighting for the Higher Law: Black and White Transcendentalists Against Slavery (America in the Nineteenth Century): Wirzbicki, Peter: 9780812252910

Moore: What were the factors that motivated you to write this book?

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David Moore

David George Moore is the author of several books. Most recently, he wrote Stuck in the Present: How History Frees and Forms Christians to offer a resource for more comprehensive spiritual formation and discipleship. Stuck in the Present: How History Frees and Forms Christians: Dave’s new YouTube channel features his interviews and commentary.

