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Tim Keller: Missionary to the Cities

May 31st, 2023 | 10 min read

By Stiven Peter

On Sundays, I go to a church whose senior pastor and elder board were mentored by Tim Keller. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I attend classes in a seminary brought to New York by Tim Keller. When I see a homeless person on the street, I refer them to the shelter supported by Tim Keller. When a friend wanted to plant a church, they were trained and supported by the organization Tim Keller started. When a friend wanted a better school for her child, I referred her to the classical Christian school started by a teacher who first attended Tim’s Church. There is not one aspect of Christian life in New York City that Tim has not impacted. His death leaves a void in the Christian ecosystem of New York City, America, and, truly, the whole world. Keller’s passing is a significant loss for the Church community.

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Stiven Peter

Stiven Peter is an M.A. student at Reformed Theological Seminary-NYC. Previously, he graduated from the University of Chicago with a double major in economics and religious studies. He currently lives in NYC.