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Mere Orthodoxy

Media for Faithful, Reflective and Patient Christian Renewal



Mere Orthodoxy is a distinguished, high-quality, distinctly orthodox, and constructive Christian Digital and Print media organization with over 500,000 readers and more than one million reads each year. Our audience is diverse, young, educated, engaged, and hungry to learn.  The core of our audience are leaders or aspiring leaders in the Protestant Evangelical movement.

Mere Orthodoxy writes and publishes multiple articles weekly, has a weekly email Digest, and a Triannual Print Journal, and a podcast (Mere Fidelity).

We seek to give intellectual, moral, and biblical substance to the renewal and resilience of a faithful Christian presence in our post-Christian culture.  We seek to be thoughtful, faithful, challenging, calm, reasonable and comprehensive in bringing truth to bear on a wide array of issues.  Our goal is to develop Christians who are thinkers, those who “can research a topic, reflect upon it and address it with nuance.  People who can follow a logical train of thought and allow the logic to confront (and even correct) their own errors.” 

We speak on and into a wide array of topics and issues including Personal spiritual formation and renewal, Church and Ministry challenges and opportunities, and culture facing issues like politics, technology, marriage and family, human flourishing, Education, art and literature, book and event reviews.

Mere Orthodoxy is a publication of non-profit Institute for Christianity and Common Life.

Our Team

What others are saying

What Guides Us


  • We are committed to the Nicaean orthodoxy as well as the orthodox teachings of Scripture and the church concerning sex and gender.
  • We adopt postures that equip us to defend Christian orthodoxy in Christian ways.  We are not aggressive or apologetic, but candid.  We are not anxious or fearful, but hopeful and confident in the providence of God. 
  • We produce media that is orthodox and resistant to radicalization and extremism.  We call our audience to reflection, patience, and simple faithfulness, NOT rage, recklessness, or compromise.
  • We are not tribal or partisan, but instead dedicated to the pursuit of truth before all else.
  • We write, speak, think, read, and reflect on the things of God publicly and privately across a print magazine, website, email, podcasts, and video.  In a digital age, we know that online content is one of the primary ways that people’s moral imagination, intellectual understanding and beliefs is formed.
  • We equip our readers to fulfill the great commandment to love God and neighbor -doing so in sincerity and wisdom. We believe that there is an actual reality we all share with our neighbors, that God calls us to love our neighbors with that shared reality, and that one we do that is by being firmly committed to reason, persuasion, and conversation as genuine social goods that we want to promote and preserve.
  • We believe and equip people to see the world as God made it real, objective, coherent and beautiful and that when we go against the way the world works, we crash against hard reality.  But because the world works that way, we also believe it is possible to think, converse and even argue together as we journey toward the good.
  • We are not respecters of people or titles.  We don’t care about your credentials or your platform.  We care about our writer’s commitment to the truth and their ability to pursue the truth with elegant, delightful, and clear speech.  With readers, supporters, leaders, etc. we don’t care about their money or their influence.  We care about their commitment to the pursuit of the truth and to the irenic, commonly shared pursuit of what is true.
  • We believe that God has called us not to vanquish our enemies or change the world, but to be faithful to the commands he gives us in scripture and to trust Him with the rest.

The Christian story is one of unexpected and unlooked for resurrection. As we seek to follow Christ, we work with the hope of final resurrection, and yet also with hope that God might breathe new life into the west’s dry bones. It is with that hope that we go about this work.