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Senator Rubio’s Work

February 12th, 2021 | 7 min read

By Jake Meador

To this day one of my favorite jobs I’ve ever had was a retail gig I had for about a year after college. It was at a small neighborhood liquor store owned by a family that’d been in the neighborhood for decades. On my first day, my boss (the owner) was training me on the different cleaning work he’d need me to do and took me into the beer cooler. Cleaning the beer cooler was terrible. Why? Beer bottles would break and if we didn’t get there quickly enough the beer could almost get syrupy on the floor and became almost impossible to clean up. Plus if it spilled under one of the shelves, you had to manually take out individual shelving units to get to the spot, which also meant moving all the beer off the shelves.

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Jake Meador

Jake Meador is the editor-in-chief of Mere Orthodoxy. His writing has appeared in The Atlantic, Commonweal, First Things, Books & Culture, National Review, Comment, Books & Culture, and Christianity Today. He is a contributing editor with Plough and a contributing writer at the Dispatch. He lives in his hometown of Lincoln, NE with his wife and four children.