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Grift Before the Storm: Three Days at CPAC 2020

March 13th, 2020 | 23 min read

By Jonathan Cioran

For three whole days late last month the Gaylord Resort and Convention Center in Fort Washington, Maryland became the pulsating core of the Conservative Political Action Conferrence’s annual Republlican extravaganza. Its soaring, glass paneled interior serving as the blighted ovum destined to soon be fertilized by the pulsating, engorged thumos of President Trump’s new Republican party.

By Thursday morning the consummation was complete, some 13,000 attendees mulled about inside the Gaylord. College Students and interns clad in ill-fitting suits and girl-boss business attire mixed with boomers robed in red MAGA caps, Trump pins and 10-gallon cowboy hats as they wandered the generous expanse within.

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Jonathan Cioran

Jonathan Cioran writes at