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Don't Miss the Fall Edition of the Mere Orthodoxy Journal

Pastoral Care and the Trauma of Life: a Reformed Evangelical Approach

March 15th, 2017 | 21 min read

By Guest Writer

We’re pleased to publish this guest feature from Patrick Stefan.

Hello. My name is Patrick and I’m going to trust you with a story. I don’t know you, but my hope is that you are reading this piece for the right reasons—to be challenged and to grow. Last week I was challenged by an article written by Paul Maxwell, and I want to speak to it. But I think you need to know something about me first, namely, I think you should know how I came into the world of Reformed evangelicalism. There are two stories: there’s the well-rehearsed one that demonstrates my theological acumen and ability to find truth, then there’s the back-story of a boy in an unsteady world looking for some semblance of certainty.

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