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Don't Miss the Fall Edition of the Mere Orthodoxy Journal

A Theology of Faces: Notes on the Costs of Masking

September 24th, 2020 | 9 min read

By Joshua Farris

I have heard it said time and time again: “Wearing a face covering is a small sacrifice to love your neighbor.” All this in the context of discussing face masks ever since the CDC and, some experts, decided that it was, in fact, an effective (however small) way to protect people from COVID-19. My goal here is not to debate the relative effectiveness of masks or the dangers posed by the virus. Rather, I want to object to the idea that there is relatively little cost involved in the broad adoption of masking. What we should not do is act like it is a ‘small sacrifice’ and that there is little to no cost to wearing masks for an extended period of time. That is simply not true.

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