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Don't Miss the Fall Edition of the Mere Orthodoxy Journal

What America Needs Now: A Williamson National Unity Cabinet

April 8th, 2020 | 9 min read

By Guest Writer

By the Mere O Editors

In the last Democratic debate, Joe Biden declared that he would nominate a woman as his vice-presidential running mate. That felt right at the time. But times have changed. Biden needs to go much, much further: At the Democratic convention he needs to turn over his nomination to Marianne Williamson, who must then name not just her vice president, but her entire cabinet. And it needs to be a totally different kind of cabinet—a national unity cabinet—from tankies on the Chapo subreddit complainer left to apathetic Swedish social democrats in the Pewdiepie twitch streamer center to my Bay Area cousin Frank on the Thielite transhumanist right, who believes that only drinking the blood of those who have survived coronavirus is a reliable preventative. Why?

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