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Lady Bird and the Buffered Self

November 30th, 2020 | 7 min read

By Stephen G. Adubato

“Do I look like I’m from Sacramento?”

“You are from Sacramento.”

Greta Gerwig’s 2018 film Lady Bird explores the relationship between identity, freedom, and givenness with painstaking attention to mundane details. An homage to her hometown of Sacramento, California, the film’s plot develops within Lady Bird’s (the main character, whose given name is Christine) tendentious relationship with the city of Sacramento. Her choice to jettison “Christine” and go by “Lady Bird” seems to parallel her yearning to escape Sacramento for a city “where culture is” like New York.

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Stephen G. Adubato

Stephen G. Adubato is a journalism fellow at COMPACT Magazine and a professor of philosophy in NYC. He is also the curator of the Cracks in Postmodernity blog, podcast, and magazine.

