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Don't Miss the Fall Edition of the Mere Orthodoxy Journal

Honor Thy Boomer

October 20th, 2020 | 11 min read

By Rebekah Curtis

Boomers have had all the luck of cod in a cask in recent generational warfare. Lyman Stone declared at The Atlantic that “The Boomers Ruined Everything.” Joseph Sternberg accuses the Boomer bloc of The Theft of a Decade, stealing Millenials’ economic future, while Helen Andrews’ forthcoming book focuses on six superstar Boomers who “delivered disaster.” Jill Filipovic’s OK Boomer, Let’s Talk blames the wrecked prospects of Millenials on Boomers who have had their brains addled by Fox News. Bruce Cannon Gibney calls the sorry lot A Generation of Sociopaths. It seems clear that somebody bought too many toys, partied too hard, and ended up with a messy house and a messier homelife–but who? If the other side to this story is just avocado toast, the Boomers must really be pretty bad.

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