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Clash of Idols

April 27th, 2020 | 13 min read

By David Koyzis

The connection between political life and idolatry will not be evident to everyone, but it definitely exists, especially within the various ideological visions vying for influence in the corridors of power. An idol is a surrogate god—something to which we offer the worship due the one true God alone. As fallen human beings, we have been fashioning idols since our first parents sinned in the garden.

In Genesis 1 Adam and Eve, tempted by the serpent, fancied themselves gods and disobeyed the true God’s explicit instruction not to eat the fruit of the tree. After this, he punished them by exiling them from the garden. From then on, the entire biblical narrative is a long and sordid tale of God’s people, after enjoying the blessings he graciously offered them and seeing the wonders he worked for their sake, continually backsliding into idol worship.

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