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Book Review: Beyond Authority and Submission by Rachel Green Miller

October 2nd, 2019 | 8 min read

By Mark Jones

Radical feminism and toxic masculinity each constitute a real plague upon the church today. Those who write against one of these errors usually find themselves in a position where their opponents will react harshly. Taking a stand against both errors requires considerable courage. In her book, Beyond Authority and Submission (P&R Publishing, 2019), Rachel Green Miller attempts to address real problems in the church concerning toxic masculinity in particular. She believes that in conservative circles unbiblical teachings have emerged regarding the topics of authority and submission (p. 14). On this point she is not wrong.

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Mark Jones

Mark Jones serves as the pastor of Faith Vancouver Presbyterian Church (PCA) in British Columbia, Canada, and research associate at the University of the Free State in South Africa. He has authored several books and speaks all over the world on Christology and the Christian life.

