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A Conference for Taking Counsel Together

August 1st, 2023 | 2 min read

By Matt Rossi


Fracture. Schism. Realignment. Denouncement. Acronyms. There is no shortage of bleak news about the state of the church. Those who feel a call to ordained ministry in Christ’s church have new reasons seemingly every day to wonder whether or not pursuing such a call will be worth it. This is particularly true in the Anglican Tradition, where schism, theological disagreement, and broken fellowship have riven the world’s third largest ecclesial body. Shifts in the global balance of power, unilateral moves by individual provinces, and an ecclesiology that is being reconceived with seemingly each passing day pose serious questions to those considering ordination in the Anglican Tradition, perhaps especially in the North American context. In the midst of all of this uncertainty, how can we hear God’s voice? Where can we come together for discernment, prayer, worship, and mutual encouragement? How can we take counsel together for the present and future of the Church?

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Matt Rossi

Fr. Matt Rossi is curate for adult formation at Church of the Incarnation in Dallas, TX.

