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Media for Christian Renewal

Mere Orthodoxy exists to be an outpost of sanity amidst the noise and tumult of our moment.


Recent Writings Page 87

By Brian Mesimer

Bucer, Freud, and the Evangelical Counseling Wars

November 1st, 2017|10 min read

By Jake Meador

How to Celebrate the Reformation

October 31st, 2017|7 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Mere Fidelity: Confessions, Book 3

October 31st, 2017|1 min read

By Brad Littlejohn

The Real Presence and the Presence of Reality: In Defense of Reformed Sacramentology

October 30th, 2017|29 min read

By Guest Writer

Book Review: Mariner: A Voyage with Samuel Taylor Coleridge by Malcolm Guite

October 27th, 2017|8 min read

By Matthew Loftus

Conservatism Fails to Act Responsibly

October 26th, 2017|12 min read

By Matthew Loftus

On Powers, Principalities, and Politics

October 20th, 2017|12 min read

By Susannah Black and Jake Meador

Retitling Classic Christian Books for the Internet Age

October 18th, 2017|5 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Mere Fidelity: Confessions, Book 2

October 17th, 2017|1 min read

By Matthew Loftus

what about Christian healthcare sharing ministries?

October 17th, 2017|3 min read

By Matthew Emerson

What Do We Do with Karl Barth?

October 17th, 2017|9 min read

By Berny Belvedere

In the Center There Is Joy

October 13th, 2017|17 min read

By Jake Meador

Ecclesiology and the Zombie Pastor Problem

October 11th, 2017|8 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Mere Fidelity: Translating Genesis, with Samuel Bray and John Hobbins

October 3rd, 2017|1 min read

By Brad Littlejohn

Lessons from the Wreckage: Notes on Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria

October 2nd, 2017|21 min read

By Guest Writer

Effectively Work for Justice Without Leaving Your Couch on a Sunday Afternoon in Six Steps

September 30th, 2017|1 min read

By Brandon McGinley

The End of Bourgeois Christian Politics

September 29th, 2017|6 min read

By Guest Writer

American History, Structural Racism, NFL Protests, and the Kingdom of God

September 28th, 2017|28 min read

By Matthew Loftus

The Uneasy Conscience of a Christian Liberal: On Michael Wear’s “Reclaiming Hope”

September 27th, 2017|11 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Mere Fidelity: Augustine’s *Confessions,* Book I

September 26th, 2017|1 min read