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Media for Christian Renewal

Mere Orthodoxy exists to be an outpost of sanity amidst the noise and tumult of our moment.


Recent Writings Page 203

By Tex

A Method to Peace?

July 23rd, 2006|6 min read

By Keith E. Buhler

If you like good music…

July 12th, 2006

By Keith E. Buhler

The Six Capacities for Love: The Inner Map

July 11th, 2006|4 min read

By Keith E. Buhler

The Six Capacities to Love: Preface

July 11th, 2006|2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

GodBlogCon 2006 Looks Awesome

July 7th, 2006

By Matthew Lee Anderson

What Has Happened to the Great Books and Why Christian Educators Need to Get Back to Them

June 24th, 2006|2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

College "Hookup" Culture

June 8th, 2006|3 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Active Christian Media Review: How to Be Your Own Publicist

June 4th, 2006|1 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Thoughts on Theaetetus: Volume IV

June 2nd, 2006|2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Logic: An Encomium

June 1st, 2006|3 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Thoughts on Theaetetus: Volume III

May 30th, 2006|1 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Thoughts on Theaetetus: Volume II

May 30th, 2006|1 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Thoughts on Theaetetus: Volume I

May 29th, 2006|1 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

A New Set of Toys for Matt

May 28th, 2006|1 min read

By Keith E. Buhler

quotations on wealth - Intelligent views on money from Jesus, Jeff Buckley, The Beatles, Plato, Dante Alighieri, Boethius, Aristotle, & Lucan

May 25th, 2006|27 min read

By Keith E. Buhler

the difficult immanence of the transcendent

May 24th, 2006|2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Dan Brown's Real Purpose Behind the Da Vinci Code

May 23rd, 2006

By Matthew Lee Anderson

On GodBlogs and Priorities

May 23rd, 2006|1 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Lincoln as Literary Critic

May 20th, 2006|1 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

The Wit of George Bernard Shaw

May 18th, 2006|2 min read