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Don't Miss the Fall Edition of the Mere Orthodoxy Journal

Matthew Lee Anderson

Matthew Lee Anderson is an Associate Professor of Ethics and Theology in Baylor University's Honors College. He has a D.Phil. in Christian Ethics from Oxford University, and is a Perpetual Member of Biola University's Torrey Honors College. In 2005, he founded Mere Orthodoxy.

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Mere Fidelity: Surprised by NT Wright

June 24th, 2014|2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Reopening the Question of China and Hobby Lobby

June 18th, 2014|5 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Mere Fidelity: The End of Nature?

June 17th, 2014|2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Mere Fidelity: The Trinity and the Bible, with Fred Sanders

June 10th, 2014|2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Mere Fidelity: On Sanctification

June 2nd, 2014|2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Mere Fidelity: Is there a ‘Moral Orthodoxy’?

May 26th, 2014|1 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Casting Across the Pond: Do Calvinists worship another God?

May 19th, 2014|1 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

In Defence of War: A Reflection

May 15th, 2014|7 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

A Conversation on Capital Punishment and the Old Testament

May 12th, 2014|1 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

The Future of Protestantism Video

May 1st, 2014|2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

The Future of Protestantism: Online and at Biola April 29th

April 17th, 2014|2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Further thoughts on World Vision

March 27th, 2014|4 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

On whether Christians should keep supporting World Vision

March 25th, 2014|8 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Hesitation about Rights and the Need for a Mutual Defense

March 17th, 2014|2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

On Religious Liberty: A Dialogue with Sarah Posner

March 7th, 2014|1 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

On the meaning of "Heterosexuality"

February 25th, 2014|6 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

The Politics of Silence: Questions for Peter Leithart

February 6th, 2014|4 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

On the Number of Zygote Deaths and the Meaning of Pro-Life

February 3rd, 2014|5 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

The Evangelical War on Contraception

January 31st, 2014|5 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

How our Questioning Begins: A reply to Fare Foreward

January 29th, 2014|6 min read