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Don't Miss the Fall Edition of the Mere Orthodoxy Journal

Year in Review (belated)

January 14th, 2008 | 8 min read

By Tex

The first thing to do when blogging a “Year in Review” at the turn of the year is to post it at the appropriate time. Tradition tells us that the most appropriate time to review a year, be it a summary of political events, personal growth, or even one’s checkbook register, is at the end of the year. Somewhere between 27 December and New Year’s Eve all the major news wires (and quite a few blogs) had put up some sort of retrospective of the past year.

Things were no different here at Mere Orthodoxy, with Matt Anderson throwing up a look back at the highlights of 2007 of the blog that brings you the best coverage and thought-provoking analysis of the crossroads between Christianity and culture, in my humble opinion anyways. Keith Buhler (the Enthusiasmos) authored a stunning signpost for the coming year by re-counting the timeless insights of Christian thinkers—insights all from ages previous to our own yet not-so-surprisingly relevant to 2008 and the centuries, G.W., to come.

Tradition demanding what it will, I nevertheless managed to entirely skip my Year in Review until well into the middle of the first month of the new year. This slightly late and always irritating tendency of mine has its roots in 2007, and in an attempt to deal with it I’m finding it helpful to look back and see just what might make me consistently hang out just behind the power curve.

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