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Don't Miss the Fall Edition of the Mere Orthodoxy Journal

The Rebel and the Cause

July 12th, 2010 | 4 min read

By Tex

Our parents and grandparents had Patton and MacArthur; we got stuck with McChrystal, although, if you believe everything that Rolling Stone writer Michael Hastings says, McChrystal is the real deal—raw, rebellious, macho, blasphemous, and totally out of control.  In his splashy article that refocused the national spotlight on the war in Afghanistan and made the special vocabulary of military academics part of coffeehouse parlance, Hastings chronicled nearly a month of up-close-and-personal fly-on-the-wall the journalism with McChrystal and his team.  Hastings also precipitated the downfall of the most powerful general in Afghanistan; after the article hit the newsstands it took President Obama 1  day to relieve McChrystal of command in the wake of the firestorm his interview caused.

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