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International Politics
Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

By Onsi A. Kamel

Why the Campus Protests Happened Now

May 16th, 2024|13 min read

By Tex

Christianity and Globalization: A Unity in Diversity

June 12th, 2008|2 min read

By Tex

"Advances in Global Health" Symposium: Less Thought, More Rhetoric

February 22nd, 2008|3 min read

By Tex

Jihad and Justice: Pluralism and Western Values

October 8th, 2007|3 min read

By Tex

Jihad And Justice: Contrasting Views

October 5th, 2007|3 min read

By Tex

Jihad and Justice: Augustine's Citizens

September 28th, 2007|3 min read

By Tex

Jihad and Justice: The Two Cities

September 24th, 2007|3 min read

By Tex

Jihad and Justice: Islamic Just War Theory, Part 2

September 21st, 2007|3 min read

By Tex

Jihad and Justice: The Islamic Context

September 14th, 2007|2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

East Asian Developments

February 26th, 2005

By Matthew Lee Anderson


January 30th, 2005