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Current Politics (14)
Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

By Jake Meador

On substitutionary atonement and disgraced politicians

June 7th, 2013|6 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

The Meaning of the 2012 Election

November 7th, 2012|6 min read

By Brett McCracken

Five Reasons I'm Voting for Mitt Romney

October 25th, 2012|4 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Julia's Monochromatic Life: A Guest post by Ryan Messmore

May 10th, 2012|2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Accommodation, Contraception, and Religious Freedom

February 13th, 2012|2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

On Boycotts, Komen, and Political Hope

February 13th, 2012|2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

The Christian Post and Sojourners

September 7th, 2011|2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

Sojourners and the Controversy that Will Not Go Away

September 6th, 2011|5 min read