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Stay Woke, Cultivate Virtue

April 12th, 2018 | 13 min read

By Matthew Loftus

Many young apologetics students of my generation learned the truism that “without God, anything goes.” While our culture has flirted with the idea of taking amoral individualism seriously, most decent atheists and quasi-theists will prefer to defend a moral framework based on something other than special revelation. Reducing harm or alleviating human suffering is, judging by the zeal with which a few million humans pursue it, a workable (if tenuous) basis for moral formation. Its basic tenets are self-evident, and its basic practices easily accessible.

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Matthew Loftus

Matthew grew up in a family of 15 children and completed his medical training in Baltimore, Maryland. Since 2015, he and his family have lived in East Africa, where he currently teaches and practices Family Medicine at a mission hospital. His work has appeared in outlets such as The New York Times, The Atlantic, The New Atlantis, and Mere Orthodoxy and his first book is forthcoming from InterVarsity Press. You can learn more about his work and writing at