Over the past five years, Mere-O's slate of writers has seen quite a bit of turnover. We've had a number of writers graduate to other pursuits (specifically, Ph.D. programs and marriage) while others have lost interest in writing publicly.
And that's been okay. But I've recently felt the itch to expand our team. Part of this is simply for the readers, who I suspect grow weary of hearing from me so much. But the other part is simply my desire for Mere-O to continue to act as a hub and a springboard for writers who want to pursue thoughtful, historically minded Christian engagement with the world.
Andrew Walker is exactly that sort of thinker, which is why I am so delighted to have him join our crew. I have found Andrew to be not only a thoughtful fellow, but a lively writer. His only weakness, which I have graciously and charitably decided to forgive, is that he did not attend Biola and Torrey--but I am confident he shall get along just fine around here despite it.
He is also a Cardinal's fan, but assures me he didn't use steroids for the home runs. Or use steroids at all, actually! We don't have a testing policy around here, so I have taken his word for it.
That said, I am delighted to welcome him to Mere-O. His bio is below the jump.
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