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🚨 URGENT: Mere Orthodoxy Needs YOUR Help

Good Friday

April 15th, 2022 | 1 min read

By Jake Meador

Every year on Good Friday as a rule we go dark with regards to publishing new essays or reviews. Instead, we share a few songs to help people mark Good Friday. I pray that today will be a somber one for you as we remember the events of this day as we mourn the horrifying consequences of our sin.

My church hosts a tenebrae service every year on Good Friday. If you’ve not been to one before, I’d strongly recommend it. If you’re in southeast Nebraska, Grace Chapel will have such a service from 7:30 to 8:30 tonight. Childcare will be available. My home congregation, Zion Church, will be having ours at 7:00. We, unfortunately, will not have childcare available at our service.

Jake Meador

Jake Meador is the editor-in-chief of Mere Orthodoxy. He is a 2010 graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he studied English and History. He lives in Lincoln, NE with his wife Joie, their daughter Davy Joy, and sons Wendell, Austin, and Ambrose. Jake's writing has appeared in The Atlantic, Commonweal, Christianity Today, Fare Forward, the University Bookman, Books & Culture, First Things, National Review, Front Porch Republic, and The Run of Play and he has written or contributed to several books, including "In Search of the Common Good," "What Are Christians For?" (both with InterVarsity Press), "A Protestant Christendom?" (with Davenant Press), and "Telling the Stories Right" (with the Front Porch Republic Press).