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Don't Miss the Fall Edition of the Mere Orthodoxy Journal

Cate MacDonald

By Cate MacDonald

The only thing worse than hope is having no hope at all.

July 7th, 2011|2 min read

By Cate MacDonald

The Thing About Princesses

April 29th, 2011|3 min read

By Cate MacDonald

In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. Had a Dream, and Did Something About It.

January 17th, 2011|7 min read

By Cate MacDonald

The Gospel According to Trees: Animal Kingdom

November 29th, 2010|3 min read

By Cate MacDonald

The Only Time Star Magazine will be Linked from Mere-O

October 22nd, 2010|1 min read

By Cate MacDonald

The Gospel According to Trees: Foundations of Creation Care

October 2nd, 2010|1 min read

By Cate MacDonald

Nouwen on the Communal Life

September 28th, 2010|2 min read

By Cate MacDonald

A Different Kind of Demonstration

July 1st, 2010

By Cate MacDonald

Why Jennifer Knapp Matters

April 14th, 2010|3 min read

By Cate MacDonald

On Lent and Hard Times: Death to Life

April 2nd, 2010|1 min read

By Cate MacDonald

On Lent and Hard Times: For Those Who Walk Among Noise

February 24th, 2010|1 min read

By Cate MacDonald

On Lent and Hard Times: Seasonal Creatures

February 16th, 2010|2 min read

By Cate MacDonald

New Year, New You, If Only

January 20th, 2010|1 min read

By Cate MacDonald

Backyard Character

September 2nd, 2009|2 min read

By Cate MacDonald

The Fast the Lord has Chosen

March 9th, 2009|3 min read