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Don't Miss the Fall Edition of the Mere Orthodoxy Journal

John Shelton

John Shelton is the policy director for Advancing American Freedom. He received degrees from Duke University (M.Div.) and the University of Virginia (B.A), and lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife, Katelyn, and their children.

By John Shelton

When The Resistance Comes To Rule: J. D. Vance and the Apotheosis of Postliberal Politics

July 23rd, 2024|8 min read

By John Shelton

Talking About Sex in a Pornographic Culture

October 20th, 2023|4 min read

By John Shelton

Theology is Dangerous

September 21st, 2023|8 min read

By John Shelton

Os Guinness: The Christian Public Intellectual After Jacques Maritain

March 28th, 2023|18 min read

By John Shelton

The 12 Days of Christmas: December 31

December 31st, 2019|3 min read

By John Shelton

The 12 Days of Christmas: St. John the Evangelist

December 27th, 2019|2 min read

By John Shelton

Putting on Avatars, Putting on Christ: Reflections on “American Democracy in the Internet Age”

November 12th, 2019|7 min read

By John Shelton

The Evangelical Innovators C. S. Lewis Warned Us About

April 24th, 2019|10 min read

By John Shelton

Stanley Hauerwas: Modern American Puddleglum

May 8th, 2018|27 min read

By John Shelton

On John Locke and His Woke Catholic Critics

August 10th, 2017|14 min read

By John Shelton

Betraying Politics: The Mystique of Public Life

October 21st, 2016|15 min read