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Don't Miss the Fall Edition of the Mere Orthodoxy Journal

Andrew Walker

Andrew T. Walker is an Associate Professor of Christian Ethics at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

By Andrew Walker

Doug Wilson on Glenn Beck

September 14th, 2010

By Andrew Walker

Why are Beck and Palin Popular?

September 10th, 2010|1 min read

By Andrew Walker

On the Proposed Quran Burning

September 8th, 2010

By Andrew Walker

In Defense of Dinesh

August 27th, 2010|3 min read

By Andrew Walker

A Tail is a Leg is a Marriage?

August 16th, 2010|3 min read

By Andrew Walker

Let's Let California Be the First (Again)

August 10th, 2010

By Andrew Walker

Alcorn on Younger Evangelical Inconsistency

August 9th, 2010|1 min read

By Andrew Walker

Doug Wilson on "Western Values"

August 2nd, 2010|1 min read

By Andrew Walker

Political Correctness..., I mean Religious Correctness

July 31st, 2010|7 min read

By Andrew Walker

Discussing a Delicate Issue

July 23rd, 2010

By Andrew Walker

Russell Moore on the Uneasy Evangelical Conscience

June 1st, 2010|1 min read

By Andrew Walker

Lord, Save Us from Poorly Made Documentaries

May 18th, 2010|4 min read

By Andrew Walker

Constitutional Morass

May 7th, 2010|2 min read

By Andrew Walker

Can Atheism be Legal?

May 4th, 2010|3 min read

By Andrew Walker

Catholic Obligation and Healthcare

April 13th, 2010

By Andrew Walker

Healthcare and Twitterverse

March 22nd, 2010|1 min read

By Andrew Walker


March 21st, 2010|1 min read

By Andrew Walker

European (un)Exceptionalism

March 7th, 2010|1 min read

By Andrew Walker

Every Ten Year Old's Dream

March 6th, 2010

By Andrew Walker

Avant Garde Education

February 15th, 2010|2 min read