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Don't Miss the Fall Edition of the Mere Orthodoxy Journal

Why We Fast

April 4th, 2024 | 14 min read

By Ross Byrd

Should modern Christians fast? There’s a danger in talking about fasting, because the power of fasting and prayer is almost entirely in the doing, not in explanation, but in bodily participation. We do it, and then we tend to see what it’s for. But since so many Christians in our disembodied cultural moment have perhaps never fasted or never even considered why it might be a good thing for Christians to do, it might be worth saying a few things about it as a way of re-introducing a notion that, perhaps for many of our ancestors, would have needed no explanation at all.

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Ross Byrd

Ross Byrd is the teaching director at Virginia Beach Fellows and the owner and director of Surf Hatteras, a surfing camp for teens in the Outer Banks, NC. He was raised in the Episcopal Church and served as a lay minister and musician there for years before a stint as associate pastor of a non-denominational church. He and his wife Hannah are raising four surfing children. Ross has degrees from the University of Virginia (2005) and Reformed Theological Seminary (2013). You can follow his work on Substack at