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Don't Miss the Fall Edition of the Mere Orthodoxy Journal

Why Nice Guys Never Get the Girl

March 13th, 2006 | 3 min read

By Tex

It’s always interested me to note that girls like nice guys but rarely seriously date or marry them.  A nice guy is easy to control.  He’s safe, makes a great friend, can always play or laugh right along with the girls, never asserts himself in the uncomfortable role of leader or head, avoids those often embarrassing shows of male dominance and aggression, always is a good listener, and even offers a shoulder to cry on.  Who wouldn’t want a friend like this?  Nice Ned is quick to roll over, shake, and play dead in order to keep the waters from being stirred up and generally offers very little resistance to the every whim of Girly Gretchen.  He might think he impresses her by being so easy-going; he might even see marriage on the horizon.  Unfortunately, he’s the only one; and he’s usually bewildered when Gretchen starts going out with Macho Mike—who is a whole lot tougher, cruder, and rougher than he is.

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