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the need to recover tradition I

July 21st, 2007 | 3 min read

By Keith E. Buhler

It's now old news that Francis Beckwith has returned (converted back?) to the Roman Catholic Church of his youth. His change of denomination does however provide the oppurtunity to continuing discussing a few of what I am coming to believe are the primary issues for us Evangelicals to think through and grapple with in the 21st century. These issues are primary not in terms of ultimate importance, but in terms of order. Until questions about how to relate to the "older" church denominations, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglican/Episcopal, have been thought through, none of the more ultimately pressing questions (about evangelism, managing church growth, styles of worship, how to relate to the secular culture, politics and government, and education) can be answered with any surety. The Church united can face these issues. The Church divided cannot. Therefore, questions of church tradition are the gateway, a key that unlocks the power promised to Christ's body on earth.

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