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Don't Miss the Fall Edition of the Mere Orthodoxy Journal

Guest Voices: Rebecca Elizabeth

June 14th, 2010 | 3 min read

By Tex

This summer seems to be the summer of guest voices at MereO.  Either we are going through a major identity crisis and are desperately reaching for others to bring us a voice and thesis that we can’t find ourselves…or, we’ve finally hit that delightful stage in an ongoing conversation when you suddenly discover that other people have great things to say and you want to really engage with them rather than use them as a sounding board for your own ideas.  I think the later has been taking place for some time here in our conversational on-line digs, and it’s exciting to benefit from the thoughtful engagement with other evangelicals who are good writers, great thinkers, and eminently charitable in sharing their time and talents with us.

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