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Don't Miss the Fall Edition of the Mere Orthodoxy Journal

Evangelicals Desperately Need to Practice Spiritual Disciplines: an Exhortation from Romans

July 16th, 2005 | 4 min read

By Andrew Selby

Last week I attended a summer class put on by a fairly typical Southern California church on spiritual disciplines. I thought it was cool that they even cared about spiritual disciplines - a subject grossly neglected by most evangelicals. For this reason, I was excited to go to the class, thinking I may have found a kindred spirit in the teacher. My enthusiasm quickly waned, however, as the pastor could not distinguish between doing things for the purpose of earning God's love or salvation and doing things for the purpose of increasing sanctification. The lowpoint of the message came near the end when the pastor encouraged his flock to "do those disciplines that come most naturally to you."

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