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🚨 URGENT: Mere Orthodoxy Needs YOUR Help

Earthen Vessels: The Giveaway

June 12th, 2011 | 2 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

It’s almost like the body matters.

After I finished the writing and editing process for Earthen Vesselsread two sample chapters–I wasn’t quite sure what to feel.  I had poured 16 months of my life into the project.  I was exhausted and nervous, uncertain about what I had just done.

And then, pure giddiness.

When I opened the package in the mail and held one of the first copies off the press in my hands, I was overwhelmed with gratitude.  Gratitude for my wife, who put up with so much to see it through.  Gratitude for my parents and family, whose support and forgiveness has been relentless.  And gratitude for you, the loyal readers of Mere-O, for patiently and graciously giving me the luxury of your attention these seven years.

You can buy it on Kindle or listen to the audio and you’ll get the same content.  But holding it in my hands, feeling the matted cover, rubbing my fingers over the embossed titlea beautiful touch by my publisher–I realized in that moment that even if no one read it, the sweat and tears were somehow worth it.

So to say “thanks” (and yes, to get the word out) I am giving 25 signed copies away. Starting right now and lasting through next Wednesday.

To enter, tell someone about the book by email, Facebook, or Twitter. And then put a comment here.  25 people will be chosen by random to receive books.   It’s that easy.

Thank you for reading.

(PS.  Watch this space for updates on how you can help me get the word out.  Because it turns out to sell a book, I need help.)

Matthew Lee Anderson

Matthew Lee Anderson is an Associate Professor of Ethics and Theology in Baylor University's Honors College. He has a D.Phil. in Christian Ethics from Oxford University, and is a Perpetual Member of Biola University's Torrey Honors College. In 2005, he founded Mere Orthodoxy.