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Book Review: Awaiting the King by James K. A. Smith

November 20th, 2017 | 5 min read

By Guest Writer

By Jeff Bilbro

Awaiting the King, Jamie Smith’s third and final volume in his Cultural Liturgies series, is a provocative and hopeful call for Christians to participate boldly in the messy meantime of the saeculum, confident that our King is on the way. As someone who nods my head regularly when reading MacIntyre, Hauerwas, and Cavanaugh, I appreciate the way Smith recognizes the merits of this school of thought and yet sheds light on its blind spots. He rightly insists that we see liberalism not only as idolatrous and de-formative (which he agrees it is), but also as full of opportunities for collaboration and mission. Still, the question that haunts me after finishing Awaiting the King is this: Can the church that liberalism needs survive liberalism?

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