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Best of 2024: What If There Is No Such Thing as 'Biblical' Productivity?

December 30th, 2024 | 11 min read

By Brady Bowman

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I have a confession to make: I’m not a very productive person. I never finish my to-do list. I read at what I assume is an average pace. I browse too indiscriminately online when I should be doing other things. I only listen to podcasts on 1x speed. I too-readily engage in conversations that don’t have any obvious bearing on my immediate obligations or spheres of influence. I take my dog, Lewis, on a walk each night, usually for 20-30 minutes, and do nothing other than stare at my surroundings, greet neighbors, or pick up Lewis’ poop. (I’m not a monster.) Like many of you, I sometimes feel intense pressure to be productive, which is only intensified by my awareness that I have more gadgets and tools to aid me in my productivity, and more knowledge at my fingertips, than any prior generation of humans in history—all of which causes me to feel even more pressure and anxiety and, therefore, to be even less productive. And the vicious cycle goes on and on. 

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Brady Bowman

Brady Bowman is a church planter in his hometown of Austin, TX. He and his wife, Kristyn, have two daughters.