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Picking up the Threads

January 12th, 2007 | 1 min read

By Matthew Lee Anderson

During my recent journey into the archives of Mere Orthodoxy I was confronted by the reality of the many conversations in the last year that I let die due to neglect. There were a lot. I was a terrible blogger in 06.

I have decided to repent.

The last few nights, I have paid blogger’s penance and responded to as many of the conversations as it seemed had died for want of a reply from me. The advantage of blogging, of course, is that they were all there, contentedly waiting for me. The disadvantage, of course, is that all the offhand remarks I made this last year are there too, immortalized in cyberspace.

Without further ado, then, here are the posts with new comments by me. My apologies for only being one, two, six, eight months late with these. Heh.

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Matthew Lee Anderson

Matthew Lee Anderson is an Associate Professor of Ethics and Theology in Baylor University's Honors College. He has a D.Phil. in Christian Ethics from Oxford University, and is a Perpetual Member of Biola University's Torrey Honors College. In 2005, he founded Mere Orthodoxy.

