Writing a book is a community project.
It's been almost 10 weeks since I announced that I had signed the contract.
During that time I've read through some 35 books on the topic. My mother has spent long hours researching databases for obscure journal articles, and my wife has graciously taken as many of the household chores upon her as she can, all to give me more time to read and write.
But what I've been missing--and hope, with your help, to rectify--are some good conversations about what, and how, evangelicals should think about the body.
So, I need help. Your help. You, the faithful reader. You, the lurker who has never commented. I need you to step forward, out of the internets shadows, into the light.
Please. Pretty please.
What questions do you have about the nature of the human body, and its role in our society, our churches, and our Christian lives?
If you had one thing to say to the world about the human body, what would it be?
What sort of book about the human body would you be interested in reading?
What topics do you want to see covered?
This is your opportunity to definitively shape my thoughts on these issues.
And if you comment, your name will find its way into the acknowledgments, right there with my family and my wife. And there's really no better company to be in than that.