Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Meet the New Guy: Andrew Walker Joins Mere-O

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | Jan 31, 2010 1:22:38 AM

Over the past five years, Mere-O's slate of writers has seen quite a bit of turnover.  We've had a number of writers graduate to other pursuits (specifically, Ph.D. programs and marriage) while others have lost interest in writing publicly.

And that's been okay.  But I've recently felt the itch to expand our team.  Part of this is simply for the readers, who I suspect grow weary of hearing from me so much.  But the other part is simply my desire for Mere-O to continue to act as a hub and a springboard for writers who want to pursue thoughtful, historically minded Christian engagement with the world.

Andrew Walker is exactly that sort of thinker, which is why I am so delighted to have him join our crew.  I have found Andrew to be not only a thoughtful fellow, but a lively writer.  His only weakness, which I have graciously and charitably decided to forgive, is that he did not attend Biola and Torrey--but I am confident he shall get along just fine around here despite it.

He is also a Cardinal's fan, but assures me he didn't use steroids for the home runs.  Or use steroids at all, actually!  We don't have  a testing policy around here, so I have taken his word for it.

That said, I am delighted to welcome him to Mere-O.  His bio is below the jump.

Andrew Walker is a relative nobody, quoted by few, if any individuals or publications. He insists that the only redeeming quality about him is the gospel, which overcame a hardened heart and brought light to darkness (2 Cor 4:4-6).

Besides his best attempts at humility, he is an M.Div. student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Married to Christian for three years, he is politically conservative and concerned with engaging the contemporary Zeitgeist with amiable, yet combative gusto. He aspires to teach, pastor, or work for a faith-based public policy organization.

Influenced by an eclectic set of thinkers, he claims a “Generous Orthodoxy” but is one, unlike the unnamed and recalcitrant author alluded to, who is actually orthodox. He cherishes The Permanent Things and insists that theology is deeply and profoundly essential in our Christian reflection upon political theory, ethics, economics, culture, and philosophy. All this is aimed at advancing a chastened & prudent approach to evangelical engagement in-step with Karl Barth who once stated that Christians are to engage the world “confidently, yet cautiously.”

In his free-time, he enjoys the above-mentioned pursuits and verbiage along with running, coffee, movies with his wife, St. Louis Cardinal's baseball, so-called “conversational punditry” with good friends, and inventing ever-more clever attempts at waxing and polishing his online ego, present biography included.