Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Washington Briefing Dispatches: Tom Tancredo

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | Oct 19, 2007 2:26:39 PM

No announcement from Brownback that he is bowing out of the 2008 race, as is rumored will come soon.
Tancredo is up and he's pretty animated.  He's got this place more enthusiastic than the other candidates so far and has taken a number of shots at the frontrunners.

What's clear is that the social conservatives here still care about illegal immigration, which mitigates the gains McCain may have made today.  One of his largest applause lines so far was about freeing two INS agents who are in jail for shooting at illegals crossing the border.

Tancredo didn't quite beg for support, but he came close.  He got a number of laugh lines in (Bill is "measuring the drapes in the White House"), and got some additional love from the MC (Wasn't that simple message great?).

See also:  STR's Melinda Penner and Amy Hall are live-blogging as well.