Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Two Changes here at Mere-O

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | Sep 17, 2007 12:59:55 AM

I've made two updates to the sidebar here at Mere O.

One, I am tentatively trying out "Blog Rush."  What is that, you ask?  It is a list of links to other blog posts within their network, which means Mere O's posts are showing up on other blogs within the Blog Rush network, blogs that we may never reach otherwise.

While the service is brand new, my hope for it is that it will provide links to blog posts that are similar in content to what we write about here at Mere-O.  That is, my hope is that it's an additional resource for filtering the web through Mere O.  We'll see.

If any of you bloggers want to add the service (and it's worth trying out, right?), you can do so here.
Also, the "MiniBlog" on the right has officially been "RSSized."  I know I said I did this earlier, but it was broken.  It now works and will show up in Google Reader accordingly.

More changes around this place are forthcoming....