Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

The Virginia Tech Tragedy

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | Apr 16, 2007 6:19:47 PM

The deadliest campus attack in American history occurred this morning in Blacksburg, Virginia. At least 22 people were killed by a gunman, before he turned the gun on himself. The President of the school has described the tragedy as "monumental." He's right.

On a morning where I have been reading about the instability of international relations, this is a jolting reminder of the instability of intra-national relations. G.K. Chesterton once wrote that it was impossible to deny original sin, as evidence for it is everywhere. Events like this, though extreme, remind us that something has gone wrong within human nature, that if not broken, as humans we are still bent. Herod is still slaughtering the infants, Pilate is still condemning the innocent.

On this tragic morning, our prayers here at Mere O go out to the families of the victims of this monumental tragedy. It is not the least thing we can do for them, but the greatest.

Update: ABC News is now saying 29 are dead. They also have some disturbing video taken from a cellphone that clearly has gunshots occurring in the background.

Update 2:  A Virginia Tech student who was shot describes the shooter.   Also, Pajama's Media is indispensable on this story.  President Bush will be making a statement at 1:15 PST.  The number of dead is being reported at 32.