Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

The potential for GodBlogs... - Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | Oct 18, 2005 5:00:00 AM

Charles Lehardy of AnotherThink writes:

To be effective evangelists, however, GodBloggers must to be welcoming, open and authentic, and committed to building relationships with those who drop by.

I see GodBlogging as a translation of historic Christianity into the lingua franca of a techno-centered generation. In that sense, GodBlogging is in the best tradition of John Wycliffe, who translated the Bible into English, and Martin Luther, who translated the Bible into German.

The Internet is a new vernacular. GodBlogs are translating the Gospel for a new generation.

Just one more reason why I’ve added AnotherThink to my daily reading.

Yet I can’t help wonder whether the rise of technology, particularly blogging, is actually inhibiting our ability to effectively transform the lives of Christian youth. By posting short, accessible thoughts, we meet “Milennials” where they are at, but are unable to take them further. What Millenials need is not the accessibility of a blog post–it’s the difficulty of reading Scripture. The accessibility of blogging could impair a reader’s ability to struggle with a text that is not accesible since they are used to having everything short and easy. Make your blog post over two screens long and no one will read it. But how then will they read Leviticus? Isaiah?

I don’t think I’m making a false dilemma–either blog posts or the difficulty of Scripture. If blogging actually becomes their lingua franca, then it seems we’re in trouble. Maybe we should blog with the intent of pointing our readers back to books…