Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

The Next Baby Step Forward - Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | Apr 10, 2007 5:00:00 AM

A long time ago I announced that I was writing a book.  I am still writing that book.  Over the last two years, I have learned more about patience than I’ve ever cared to, as I have taken baby steps to putting it in print. The process, I’ve found, takes five times as long for first time authors than it does for everyone else.

The next baby step comes this weekend with my first major presentation of my ideas to high schoolers.  While the only thing that people agree upon when talking about romance is that there is lots of confusion, I hope to cut through the chatter and offer a “new” (it’s old, really!) approach to the entire issue.

Beyond Romance” is what we’re calling it, and though we’ve put it together on a small budget, we’re hoping for big things from it.  Your prayer, should you feel prompted, would be appreciated for me as I prepare and speak this weekend.