Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

The April Recap

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | May 12, 2010 3:17:44 AM

I just finished sending out Mere-O Monthly and thought I'd share it here.

What? You haven't signed up for it?

You should.  It's designed for casual readers of Mere-O who want only what the crowds sift through and decide they like.  And here's those posts:

1)  Cate wrote a stirring analysis of Jennifer Knapp that garnered all kinds of attention.  The comments thread even made an appearance at Christianity Today.

2)  I also added my take on why we shouldn't objectify Jennifer Knapp (and others!) who want to stay out of the spotlight.

3)  I took on the question of whether the church fathers were pacifists.  The answer might surprise you.

4)  I was pleased to see that this post made the list.  After all, it was Easter Sunday and it's the most majestic eight minutes of music ever.

5)  We talked to First Things web editor Joe Carter about his book How to Argue Like Jesus in the latest installment of Mere-O chats.

6)  Folks seemed to really enjoy the letter I wrote to a former student after they had a difficult day.

7)  You've heard this theme a thousand times:  "Christianity must change or die."  Here's hoping you don't hear it again.

8 )  The real crime isn't murder.  It's making some members of our species "ambiguously human."

9)  On a lighter note, Jeremy dispensed some sage advice to other young couples.

10)  Finally, we'll round it off with an examination of those anti-political evangelicals you've heard nothing about.

As always, thanks for reading.  We're incredibly blessed to have so many faithful readers, and we hope that you continue to enjoy and be edified by what we write.