For those of you in the La Mirada area, the Torrey Theater Club is performing its final shows of Romeo and Juliet next weekend. We opened last Friday and it was a fantastic sucess. We had a matinee Saturday and another wonderful evening performance that night.
Tickets are $10 (less for students). Visit the Torrey Theater Club website ( for more info.
Romeo and Juliet deserves to be a classic, not just for the love story, which, despite its reputation for being overblown and melodramatic, can actually be quite compelling, but also for the complex issues it raises (and discusses) of national justice, the tension between fate and free will, human love, hate, and sacrafice.
TTC has put as much or more mental effort into understanding the play as they have put into learning lines and blocking. Our goal has been to present not only an extremely entertaining story, but a thoughtful and consistent interpretation of that story, as decided upon through hours of discussion amongst the cast and crew. So if you enjoy the play, or if you enjoy contemplating art, or if you enjoy comparing various interpretations of one show by various acting troupes, then you will definitely love the production. (Plus, you will get to see me wear a friar's uniform!)
Hope to see you there.