Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

NewsFlash: Pope Too Subtle for World, Apologizes for Our Ignorance

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | Sep 17, 2006 10:07:17 PM

The Pope's recent essay apparently didn't fit very well into a soundbyte. The outcry prompted an apology, leading to this fitting headline: Pope Sorry for Reaction to his Remarks. As we all are. (ht: Jim)

Update: Peter Leithart, a really smart guy, responds to the Pope's remarks.

Update 2: Check out this excellent open letter to Pope Benedict by blogger Ed Morrissey. The Anchoress has keen thoughts as well. As for myself, I am going to hold off and think about the issue some more. I'll simply keep directing Mere O's traffic elsewhere until I have something constructive. (Ht: The Blogger).