Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Mr. Jonathan David Taylor's Review of Sufjan's Come On and Feel the Illinoise

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | Dec 27, 2006 3:14:44 AM

I bought the Sufjan Steven's Come On and Feel the Illinoise indie rock CD on his recommendation, which was well worth it. I'm spinning it on iTunes as we speak, soaking up its art, beauty, and humor. Joe Carter, of Evangelical Outpost and FRC fame, mentioned that he had gotten into Steven's based on this article by Jonathan.
When you're at Jonathan Taylor's website, don't forget to check out his articles and other writings, as well as his moving photography. He is one of those guys whose talent is bewildering. But it isn't for his gifts I'll always be proud to say was one of my friends, it's for his heart.