Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Mere-O Chats: A Podcast with Dr. JP Moreland

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | Mar 26, 2010 3:35:33 AM

Here at Mere-O, we pretty much kill off everything cool.

And now we're gunning for the podcast.

We are entering the audio fray with "Mere-O Chats."  (And we're taking name suggestions, so put yours below!)

Our only goal is to have stimulating conversations with thinkers--Christian or not--who are up to interesting stuff.  Consider it the poor man's Mars Hill Audio, if only because (a) it's free and (b) I am no Ken Myers.

Did I mention I'm no Ken Myers?  I'm no Hugh Hewitt, either.  The first episode was hard enough to do, but then I went and made it even harder by interviewing Dr. JP Moreland, a longtime hero of mine and someone whose at least 100 times as smart as I am.

We talk evangelicalism in the first half, and the body in the second.  I was nervous (did I mention I'm no Ken Myers?), so I missed a bunch of opportunities to press him in areas that I wanted to press him.  So be forewarned.  But it's J.P. Moreland, and he is both erudite and provocative.  So listen.

I don't know how often we'll do these, but count on them semi-regularly.  And if you listen through it, feel free to leave feedback below.  And let us know if there's someone you think we should talk to.  No guarantees that we'll get to them, but we'll try.

The music, I should note, is from the talented Allison Krauss and falls under fair use laws.

And did I mention I'm no Ken Myers?