Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Mere Fidelity: Theosis and the Warning Passages (Ask Us Anything, vl. 2)

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | Nov 18, 2014 3:06:30 PM

In this episode we consider the role the warning passages play in Scripture and the question of theosis.  The conversation takes a hand-brake turn at 16:30, so if you're only interested in one of those subjects then that's the place to go.

We mentioned this article by J. Todd Billings, so go read that.  If you're interested in more, you can read Letham's Union with ChristHorton on the same theme, and J. Todd Billings again.

Special thanks to MK Creative Arts for the audio editing.

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Finally, as always, follow DerekAlastair, and Andrew for more tweet-sized brilliance.