Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Mere Fidelity: The Benedict Option, with Rod Dreher - Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | Apr 26, 2017 5:00:00 AM

Rod Dreher’s Benedict Option has been one of the most talked about books of 2017, and his blog is one of the most popular socially conservative blogs in the country. Now, the man himself joins us to talk about it. Listen in as Matt, Alastair and Andrew discuss Rod’s proposal for how Christians should relate to the world.

Note: As you’ll hear in the first few minutes, we’re going on hiatus until later this summer, owing to travel and general busy-ness for a number of us. As such, we’ve suspended any Patreon donations. However, we’ll be back and better than ever in August. So, catch up on some old episodes while we are gone.

If you like the show, please do leave us a review on iTunes. We are also available on Google Play.

If you’re interested in supporting the show financially, you can check out our Patreon here.

Finally, as always, follow DerekAndrew, and Alastair for more tweet-sized brilliance.  Thanks to Timothy Motte for his sound editing work. And thanks to The Joy Eternal for lending us their music, which everybody should download out of gratitude for their kindness.