Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Meet the New Guy: Kevin White - Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | Oct 26, 2010 5:00:00 AM

I have several hypotheses of a historical nature that I have wanted to undertake for some time, and numerous writing projects that I have wanted to continue.  However, writing other projects has simply kept me occupied from pursuing everything that I would like.

So I found someone who is not only interested in some of the same ideas, but is far more qualified than I am to talk about them.  Kevin White is a classmate from Biola and Torrey Honors, but he’s also a Ph.D. Candidate at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley.

He is working on the history of theology, especially the late Middle Ages.  But he also dabbles in the history of fundamentalism, which gives him precisely the sort of idiosyncratic voice that we like around Mere-O.

He’s going to start off by addressing one of the themes I’ve wanted to hit, but haven’t been able to–the relationship between Judaism and Hellenism in early Christianity.  He’s also going to take over some of the Saturday hymns blogging, which I am still really excited about but just don’t have the bandwidth for.  And it’s my hope that he’ll eventually complete the Know Your Historical Evangelicals series that I think is enormously important.

Either way, I’m thrilled he’ll be adding his voice to the conversation around here.